Strong Perm Lotion No. 0 - 125 ml
Strong Hair Perming / Curling
Achieves perfect curls which
reform after stretching.
Using gloves, soak the hair
in parts, roll it up by hair-curlers. Exposure time: between 10- 30 minutes
depending on the style you wish to obtain. Rinse with water.
125 ml
Available in four strength
and different sizes:
No. 0 Strong: 125 ml , 500 ml , Strong Perming Kit
No. 1 Medium: 125 ml , 500 ml , Medium Perming Kit
No. 2 Soft: 125 ml , 500 ml , Soft Perming Kit
No. 3 Very Soft: 125 ml , 500 ml , Very Soft Perming Kit